Note: this game prototype is about as functional as a potato. WASD to move, dragging from the tilemap to the inventory window on the left should do something, and clicking on globs of material in the inventory should raise a popup.

In the interest of submitting to the pirate game dev jam and getting "It can only really get better from here", submitting anyways! Feel free to not spend too much time on this one.

Game design document is here:


Game Design Document


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The game window only showed a black screen for a long time. I was almost giving up, but then finally saw a yellow "Loading..." and then the game started. Looks like it is silently loading the game for some reason. Gathering different materials from the areas you walk in and then crafting them into tools sounds pretty interesting.

Congratulations on publishing a working prototype!

Oh and your game image is broken:


I like rocks :)
Got that base game going keep at it.